Have you ever painted with earth colors? Like the great masters of the past who still mixed their own paints?
Or would you like to enjoy a shared artistic experience with your children? Maybe give someone a birthday present in the form of a creative day or weekend (there are vouchers for adults and children)? The resulting works of art are yours to keep, as a unique gift and a lasting memory.
Body painting (also belly painting for pregnant women) or geomantic art in the landscape (LandArt) are deep experiences, where one can (re) connect with oneself and with the Earth.
Do you want to carry out a creative project in schools, kindergartens, organizations ..., e.g. a wall painting with natural pigments?
Just send me an e-mail!
25 March to 30 April 2022 Spittal an der Drau, A
The New Earth
with Gudrun Kargl and Marko Pogačnik
Manifesto of the New Earth, paintings, installations
Gallery in Porcia Castle
Castle square 1
9800 Spittal an der Drau
Vernissage: 25 March at 7 pm
The three selected artists Marko Pogačnik, Gudrun Kargl and Maja Pogačnik have been working intensively for many years on the possibilities of how artists can fit into an interplay that not only places people at the centre, but also sees them as important members of a network that encompasses many dimensions: Nature, the landscape, the universe and - who knows exactly? - even dimensions that we cannot perceive with our conventional senses.
Perhaps ‘The New Earth’ is in fact the fruit of an expanded human consciousness, to which art can make its contribution.
Marko Pogačnik's chiselled cosmograms are not only intended to appeal to the human imagination, the artist believes that they communicate with the intelligences of nature in the landscape by changing the reflections of light on them. Marko is writing ‘a manifesto of the new earth’ especially for the exhibition to give us inspiration.
And aren't Gudrun Kargl's ‘Peace Seeds’, if they inspire us to more peace, meaningful for all life on earth?
And don't Maja Pogačnik's sails and pictures made from natural materials show how we can live with respect for the ‘earth goddess’?
A world premiere will take place in the gallery at the vernissage: a composition specially commissioned for this exhibition by Spittal composer Hans Laubreiter. With his sounds, he will underscore and reinforce the dialogue between the three art forms.
‘The New Earth’ becomes a total work of art.
Is art only made for people?
Perhaps not, because everything a person thinks and does has an effect on the whole. How does an artist, a human being, deal with this responsibility in a loving way?
18 November 2021 until 30 January 2022 Seitenstetten, A
Noah's Feast - Scriptorium Seitenstetten
together with other participants, writers and visual artists of the scriptorium
Vernissage and presentation of the book Noah's Feast. A kind of book of hours.
Noah, who packed his family and the animals - in pairs - into the ark and thus survived the great flood. After the Flood, a new beginning was necessary. But Noah first celebrated a lavish feast. Few people know that.
When 7 writers and 7 painters meet in a monastery (= Seitenstetten Abbey) between two lockdowns to be inspired by Noah's feast, the results are as interesting as they are unusual. The works of art created in Seitenstetten Abbey are summarised in a book of hours and exhibited in the Bildungshaus.
The book:
Noah's Feast. A kind of book of hours - Kral Verlag, 2021, ISBN 9-783991-030218
St. Benedikt Education Centre
Promenade 13
A-3353 Seitenstetten
15 May until 18 July 2021 Trieste/ Italy
BID21 Mostra internazionale d'Arte Femminile
International Biennale of Women's Art
Transformazioni silenziose / Silent transformations
My contribution:
Moving room installation ‘Sails of Change’ made of bamboo and paper
(supported with a grant from the Lower Austrian state government)
Magazzino 26, Porto Veccio, Trieste
Viewing possible until 18 July 2021
Registration and cancellation policy
You can register with me or the organizer in writing by e-mail or telephone.
One day seminars:
Cancellation minus a processing fee of 10€ is possible up to 7 days before the start.
In case of a later withdrawal, your registration fee will be forfeited if no substitute participant is provided. It is also possible to use the fee for a later seminar.
Multi-day seminars:
Cancellation minus a processing fee of 20 € is possible until 2 weeks before the start.
In case of later cancellation, the registration fee will be forfeited if no substitute participant is provided. Again, there is the possibility to transfer the fee to a later seminar.
If I am the one who has to cancel, I will refund your registration fee in full. No further claims are possible.
In case of premature termination of a seminar by the participant, no seminar fees will be refunded.
Each participant bears full responsibility for themselves and their actions.
For events that are not organized by me, registration conditions of the respective organizer apply.
If there are special terms and conditions for an event, then these apply.